Office of Government Relations

Register to Vote

Voting is an intrinsic part of being an active and engaged citizen. The OGR strives to make voter registration more accessible to students at the University of Washington. If you are not yet registered to vote, you can do so here at the Secretary of State’s website. If you are a resident in another state and would like to register to vote for that state, you can do so here.

You can also register by mail by filling out a paper voter registration form and mailing it to your county’s election offices. Voter registration forms are available at the OGR’s office in HUB 121H and online available for download here.

If you need to to update your mailing address so you can get your ballot mailed directly to you, you may do so here. This is also a quick site to find you elected officials, your voting history, and more!


Here are some important facts to know about Washington State’s voter registration. You can read more here:

Voter registration deadlines vary by how you register and where you are located. The deadline is:

  • The Monday 4 weeks before election day, if you are registering by mail or online
  • The Monday 1 week before election day to register, if you are registering in person
  • Election day itself, if you are on military duty outside of Washington or if you live overseas


  • A citizen of the United States
  • A legal resident of Washington State
  • At least 18 years old on Election Day
  • Not disqualified from voting due to a court order
  • Not under Department of Corrections supervision for a Washington felony conviction


If you need any assistance in registering to vote, feel free to drop by the OGR’s office in HUB 121H. We would be happy to provide guidance in how to complete the form, the requirements to vote in Washington State, as well as help you send your completed form to the proper election authorities.